Saturday, December 24, 2011

What are some good audio books to listen to?

I like to listen to audio books when I work but I don't know what is good to listen to. I just finished the harry potter series and I listened to dragon age and couple of Anita Blake books before that|||Jim Butcher's Dresden books, read by James Marsters.|||I second the Dresden series, unabridged, available through - currently standing at 12 books of about 16 hours each (except for the first). There is also a book of short stories called Side Jobs - avoid the short stories that appear in collections with other authors since they aren't read by the regular narrator.

James Marsters is awesome reading (performing, really) these books, though the first one is the roughest of them. By book 3, you can't possibly imagine anyone else as Harry Dresden.

The audio books pretty much redeem the novels from the disappointment that was the TV series on the SciFi Channel. Really - avoid the TV series. Marsters wasn't in that, and they nerfed the whole concept so much it was barely recognizable.|||I listened to Angelology by Danielle Trussoni about a month ago. It was AWESOME! 17 CDs, but worth every minute

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